23 January 2010

Digging Out

Into each life a bit of rain may fall....or something like that.

i've just recently gotten off one of those Life Roller Coasters we're all forced to ride from time to time. i think i'm finally getting back to my old self. Up until yesterday, i hadn't put pen or paintbrush to paper in well over a month and a half. Either i lacked inspiration or i was feeling too pitiful to be productive outside of the mandatory work day ~ i'm not sure which.

But yesterday, i just had the urge to throw color onto the page, to sit on my couch surrounded by colored pens, markers and pencils and just have at it. i had no plan. These 3 pieces are what came outta my head. And i think i'm in the mood to spill some more color today. It's looking up.


  1. Oh my, love the fairy dust one. Glad you're feeling some inspiration again.

  2. fairy dust gets my vote too! that's beautiful :))

  3. I love all three! Glad you had the urge to create them. I think we all go through these roller coaster times sometimes. Good thing about it is there are Ups as well as the Downs, right?

  4. wow!!! I love love love these!! esp the last one...covet covet!

  5. hey alex!!! i'll send you a batch!!! thank you for the sweet comment! i'll be sending an evite for our meet up....still need to see if a potluck is agreeable, but i'm for it!
